(photo credit: Geoffrey Tischman)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meadowbrook - 1.6 miles!!

It was such a beautiful spring day today.  I called my mom and asked if she wanted to meet the girlies and I after work for a walk through Meadowbrook (a local park).  This was going to be quite the challenge for Millie, but I knew with a lot of breaks she could do it.  

Gotta start the day off right.  This is what Millie's breakfast looked like this morning -- full of 
supplements and medicine.  Thankfully she is a big fan of food, so the pills go down 
without her even realizing they are there.  

Millie was excellent during the walk.  She hopped along -- happy to be out of the house, but also pleased it was at one of her favorite parks.  Sugar could not have been more excited.  She refused to show any of her good dog manners, and instead practically pulled Nana through the park.  Yes, I swear she's 13.

All told I bet we took 6 or 7 breaks - some with water & some just to take a breather.  The girls even saw some deer (by girls I mean Sugar, Millie was oblivious) and met some new friends (this time I mean Millie only.  She let several little kids come say hello & wagged her tail throughout.).  The whole trip was 1.6 miles.  1.6 miles on three legs while dealing with a bladder infection & a few days post chemo!  That's amazing!!  I am so proud of Millie.  

1 comment:

  1. Go Millie! We took B for a little walk yesterday too and she was like her old sled dog self. Here's to dogs showing us humans how to push through the hard stuff and concentrate on the joy. :)
