(photo credit: Geoffrey Tischman)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day After Amputation - Millie Comes HOME!

My morning started off on a great note.  Our student called around 7:30 to let me know Millie was doing much better than they had expected.  She eagerly ventured outside the evening before at 8pm & 2am - peeing with some help from a sling each time.  She was doing very well on three legs & wanted to do it on her own.  She hadn't eaten yet, but this wasn't a huge surprise.  Our student said most dogs will not eat for them, but will chow down for their owners.  Millie's bloodwork looked normal this morning, but because of some significant bruising (which is expected), they wanted the staff surgeon to examine her before anyone agreed to discharge her.  I was told to come before 5:00.  At the very least I could visit with her, but I might get to take her home!!

My day got better & better.  My awesome co-workers had pitched in & collected money to pay me back for the purchase of Millie's special harness (which arrived today thanks to suuuper fast shipping!).  It is so nice to have so many supportive people surrounding us!  Also, my family surprised me with flowers (lilac roses) delivered to my desk at work.  

At 4:30 I left work & made my way over towards Evan's office to pick him up.  Together we went to U of I.  I was beyond excited & Evan was trying to stay cautious.  I know he didn't want to be disappointed, or have me be disappointed.

Our student gave us the great news -- Millie was released to come home!!!  She had done well all afternoon.  They continued to say that she "just wants to get up and go."  Discharge instructions were discussed, I paid the bill & Evan brought the car around.  They took the harness & went to go get my girl.  Both the student and surgeon are tiny, and the poor things were huffing and puffing by the time they got Mil to our room.  Poor Millie was exhausted too.  Her upper body and right rear leg are working overtime trying to balance out the extra weight.  We let her have a breather & then headed out to the car.  The moment she got up I knew why everyone kept saying that she "just wants to go."  Mil was on the move & not slowing down to wait for us.  She somewhat awkwardly hobbled to the car, but for an awkward hobble, this girl can move.  The harness was perfect for loading her into the car.  

A few minutes later & we were home.  She peed on the way in & seemed thrilled to finally be back at home.    Sugar & Hallie greeted her & Millie let them give her the once over sniff down.  Sugar knew something was going on, so she gave Millie some space by hopping on the couch & watching from a distance.  Hallie, on the other hand, was true to form.  She showed zero concern for Millie & instead was wondering why nobody had picked her up yet.  Ahh, cats.  :)

Mil was super tired & sore from her journey home.  She settled on her bed, but was restless & giving some faint whines.  Evan left to go pick up dinner & Millie's discomfort escalated.  She wanted to get up.  For a few minutes I held her in place & tried to soothe her.  She wouldn't let up.  Finally I let her get up & show me what she wanted.  My perfect girl awkwardly hobbled to the front door (with the help of a sling).  She had to go potty.  I swear she peed 3 gallons.  I let her back in, gave her a drink & let her guide me again.  Mil hobbled to my room & got on my bed (which is now on the ground).  She was 1,000 times more comfortable & immediately fell asleep.  

It's been a few hours & she seems to be doing quite well.  She is super thirsty, but not very hungry.  I got her to eat some canned food, one barbecue chip (that was actually Evan) & one dog treat.  She's given kisses & is wagging her tail a lot.  I've got some chicken breasts thawing in the fridge with her name on them for tomorrow.  For now I'm thrilled that she is comfortable & able to get around as well as she is.  I'm sure tonight will be a long one, but I'm so, SO happy to have her back home. 

One day post amputation -- ouch!

Taking it easy on the bed (that black blob on the pillow is Hallie)

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